I know, I know, I haven't been posting very well lately, it's most likely because of my business on campus and parties and crap. But I'll make up for it this time, I hope? Lets see if I can crap this blog as long as my previous ones.
Life in Kansas, to sum it all up, is pretty erratic, that is, the weather. One day it can be cold as Ice, another can be hot as the very pits of hell, today happened to be one of those days, sadly. But my oh my, the scenery here is just spectacular, way better than Malaysia - You don't see random garbage on the floor, the air is fresh, and it's mostly low story buildings here. I don't exactly know why majority of em' are only one story, but my guess is that It's hard to build something when the weather comes and goes as it pleases, so maybe they were attempting to build it when the weathers' nice? I don't know! But all I know is, you hardly find a building (except dorms) that surpass 5 stories.
The first thing that hit me when I got here to America is how expensive the food was. I remember having dinner at Perkin's the day I came to America, a ceaser salad costed me like 8 bucks.
I'd really like to show you guys some pictures, but pictures I took around campus and Lawrence are just too large in size for me to upload, even with the almost flawless internet here, it still takes like 5 minutes for 5 pictures, so I'm not going to take small pictures from now on, so they'll be easier to upload and crap.
I'm really thanking god for staying in templin, it's so so SO much better than McCollum, I'm talking about dorms. McCollum is a pretty old dorm where most freshman reside for atleast a year before they move out. It's 100+ years old, and the rooms there are just horrid. Not to mention the toilets which look like toilets right out of a horror movie
My roommate's names' Reece Petrick, (weirdly enough it's not Petrick.) He's pretty quiet, and he just lives and let live. He's like a sloth sometimes, it's really freaky. There's always some latency whenever I'm trying to convey a message. He's pretty nice though, but very low on the entertainment scale.
Lately, I've only been consuming Ramen because I'm too lazy to go to the cafeteria and eat real food. It's like I have ramen at least once a day, cup noodles, it only costs a dollar, so I reckon it's cheaper than most other methods out there.
Sometimes the tale of the air stewardess who died just eating cup noodles everyday scares me. But, who cares? All you need is chilly powder, hot water, and a instant ramen bowl and you're good to go! Mrs. E's (Cafeteria) Isn't as bad as I thought it would have been. I mean, compared to some of the testimonials some of the people gave me before I arrived here it's pretty tasty. But of course, I always try to avoid the fatty foods such as cheese cause I don't want to gain the "freshman 15". What's that?! I hear you ask, it's a myth that says all freshmen in their first year shall gain 15 pounds or more. I've heard some stories where "Freshman 30" occurs too. Just proves how much more healthy the food is back home.
As for my Circle of friends, I mostly hang out with asians, this guy named Nigel, an indian, is the guy I usually have my meals with, not lately though. He's pretty nice and everything, but I have to admit, his inability to think thoroughly and intelligently gets to me sometimes. I miss intellectual company, especially the four girls who used to sit in the back of the class. Trixie, Weng Yee, Jia Lik and Amanda, I mean, I used to be the dumbest guy (or so perceived) in contrast to them, but here? I feel like I'm Stephen hawking and the people I hang out with are just dimwits. Not all of them are like that though, some do stand out and still manage to give a smart comment or two. Urg.
Classes here, are so much more amazing compared to those given in Sri KDU, some can be boring, but for the most part, the classes are pretty interesting. Like Philosophy, this class I'm taking requires me to watch movies for my assignments, ain't it just amazing? Psychology, is super interesting, I can actually STAND reading the text book, not to mention I remember some, if not all details. The homework they give here isn't that lethal, but can be if you don't start early, i mean some papers ask you to write 5-7 pages easily. I was pretty daft though, my first English assignment said 5 pages, and only after I wrote 4 pages, did I realize that you needed to DOUBLE SPACE. So I technically already wrote 8 and was only half way through the story. I'm writing about the whole cheer 2008 experience, even though it can be pretty mundane at some point, I've managed to spice it up. I.e. when jon falls from a cupie, he breaks his arm, and there happened to be a sharp rock on the ground which pierced his back, causing him to bleed profusely onto the mat. He moans and screams in pain, blah blah blah, you get the gist.
Anyway, I think I've done my part to give a pretty okay description of my life here in Kansas, I really miss Nat and my family sometimes. It seems like people here are just so caught up in life they don't have a moment to stop and take in the fresh air. It causes me sadness. Oh! I forgot to mention something really tragic! The cinemas here have like 2 movies out at once, ONLY. So unlike Cineleisure and crap, you only have 2 selections! It's so wtf! It's 8 dollars for a movie too, killar ain't it?
So, guys, for those of you in Malaysia, I look foward to coming home to you guys and bring some of you to Zanmai Sushi again, it's going to feel so good spending less than 5 dollars on a full meal back home, I can't wait. Other than the food prices though, I really like it here, and sometimes I don't even feel like going home! But I guess I have to anyway.
Oh, and my roommate has a fish! :D
Ian. - Inferred Reality.
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