Foreword: NAT?! Why are you never on Skype at the discussed time. You Boob
Howdy Doody Everybody. How's everybody doing? Fine? Oh? Really? Are you sure about that? Do you want to take sometime before you answer that question. Done yet? Yea, I knew that. God, you people suck!
Howdy Doody Everybody. How's everybody doing? Fine? Oh? Really? Are you sure about that? Do you want to take sometime before you answer that question. Done yet? Yea, I knew that. God, you people suck!
I was so bored I actually took Paperclips and tweaked and bent each letter of "Nat & Ian" one would think It doesn't take too much time to do that, but one is wrong. You won't believe how hard it is to do this when your hand is sweaty and you need to create just a little bend for the letter "A". Try it, it's hard mind you.
But seriously though, life isn't THAT dull. I mean, It's duller. The only thing that has been filling my head for the past like 4 days were bio bio bio, and now that that's over, it's psych psych psych. Midterms are already here! can you bloody believe it? I mean, I guess this is how Americans study. Weird if you ask me.
I've realized one thing while here in America. A lot of Americans, not all, are pretty dumb. I mean seriously. I walked out of the Bio test thinking I did extremely extremely bad, and I didn't really have a sense of logic for a lot of the questions. I walked out, went to the bus stop and waited for the "McCollum" bus, which I always do every mondays, wednesdays and fridays. (on tues and thurs I make it an point to walk back. Exercise much.) Anyway, there I was, standing and feeling terrible under the hot sun. Then I overheard some Americans talking.
Before I go on, here's the question in relevance.
Which of one is a situation that explains potential energy?
A. The warmth of a cat on your lap
B. A ball that has been thrown
C. The glow of a heated pan
D. Buttered toast.
"It's obviously the heated pan" said an American. "No, no, the cat may jump off at any time!" said American 2.0. "Hey, but I chose the ball being thrown." Says a female American. I mean, ain't the answer obvious? I don't know what to say. Well, you be the judge.
Did I mention how AMAZING KU's scenary is? I mean, it's like a dream everyday walking to class. But the weather is abit erractic as I've mentioned in the previous posts. But lately it has been dry and windy alot, very nice weather. It's like you could just jump and the wind would take you away, the best thing is always that just right wind hitting the cheeks of your face. I can imagine falling asleep sometimes as I lean on a wall.
There was a harvest moon the other night. It was so cool, an orange moon, I don't know if anyone else witnessed it, but it was soooo cool. Too bad the picture was a little blur in the night.
Today was a pretty boring day, yet again, my need to sleep has caused me to miss a class. (This doesn't happen that frequently, but it does.) It's sad the way I can't resist my need to sleep. This is how it normally goes.
A night prior to my 9 a.m. class, I set my alarm to 7 a.m., then I set my phone alarm to 7.10, 7.20, 7.30, 7.40 etc, just to make sure I actually wake up. The next morning, the alarm rings at 7, i pick it up, turn it off, then I go back to sleep. The same thing happens to my phone, and again, and again, and before I know it, it's 9 a.m. and it's too late to get to class. :(
Urk, I can't go on missing classes, i'm really trying for a 4.0 this semester at least. Thank god I'm doing well in my other classes. The next exam that's coming is psych, and I haven't really picked up a book! Well, I have, but I can't seem to study knowing bio is behind me and my psychology comprehension is pretty good. But I should study... ... right?
Did I mention I love psych! :D the other day our teacher brought in an actual brain to class. You don't see that everyday. Apparently, the brain is toxic, if you touch it with your bare hands, you'd get poisoned. But at a low rate, or so they say. Didn't really get pictures of it though.
Sports is a big thing here in KU. For those non-KU students, last year, KU was nationwide top in basketball. I didn't really know that when I got to America. Apparently, theres this Rivalry thing going on with MU, University of Missouri. We just lost a game to Missouri, and for some reason, I felt really sad for some reason, even though I've only been here for awhile. It's as if my pride had been ripped out when I heard we lost to Mizzou :(
The urinals here are like so retro. I mean, the buildings here are so old and shiz, the toilets match that age. The urinals are largely exposing. That's why you can almost never see 2 guys peeing in those urinals at once. I think?
Urk, I have to study nao =( Stupid test.
Ian - Living the dream
hahahhaha omg i totally forgot about our agreement.
i nowadays ( mostly weekdays) i can't make it for that time ( which i have now forgotten when it was)cause i have study time.
that means from 6.30-8.30pm nz time, i need to be in my room studying and not allowed out. =/
so yea only fridays, saturdays and sunday. and that also depends whether the only computer in the room with skype is not being used.
but this will all probably change if i get internet for my laptop next week.
so yea will keep u posted. =)
I miss walmart :(
Love the blog btw !
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