Thursday, July 30, 2009

We're all liars

No. I'm not talking about straight out lies that you tell to your mother, or your friends. Not little white lies, or even large ones. I'm talking about lies we tell ourselves every single moment of every single day. Emotions that we convince ourselves that aren't there. It's like there is an epidemic of confabulation in our culture today.

But culture was born from community, and hence, we can conclude that confabulation is formed from community. The things we do, the things we restrain ourselves from; nothing can be true-er than nietzche's internalization of man. All of us, just struggling beneath us, holding in back feelings that we want to just let go of. But Alas, we cannot; because we're scared - of the community, or the ridicule.

Nietzche once said that we as man have poisoned after being thrust into community. Our wants, our needs, repressed, and bad conscience is formed - that thing in you head that tells you to avoid doing things because it's not socially accepted, or in freudian terms, your superego. Why guilt? Why repression? Why can't we just let it out and act upon it.

It's a snowball effect, can't you see - the way we feel that "guilt" is there (when it is not.) others feel the same. As it spreads like a virus, the tendency of us to feel guilt after a certain action increases, and "ethical culture" is formed.

But it's all a delusion. I agree, that maybe, there is a line to be drawn when given the situation - you know, the typical, killing, raping, etc. I do agree that etiquette exists for a reason. But for the social guilt that are just plain stupid, like the delusion of stereotypes, should just die. Things like fat people are ugly, things like forbidden love, things like fear that hold us down.

That should stop.

That should stop.


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