Tuesday, February 3, 2009

A Post for Nat.

Dear Natalee,

It's tragic, you know, how I won't get to see you this year. You mean so much to me in so many ways I just can't describe. Your birthday is tomorrow, and my mind can't help but to fluster over the good times we've had in the past. Flashbacks keep occuring as I go throughout my day here in KU.

You've always supported me the way you would red house. (I know it's a sucky caption!

Remember the first time we met? Well, frankly speaking, I don't. But what I do remember are the time I spent leaning back and scratching my hair causing your table to be filled with a layer of dandruff. You'd always get so mad it'd put a smile on my face. You felt I was entirely unbearable back then, it's quite amazing to see how far we've come, hasn't it?

It depresses me alot, when I start thinking of times we had back in school. The day when you decided to separate from the majority to accompany me and Fen. I'll never know if it was for me, or Fen, but I'm thankful till this very day that you did just that. Ever since then, we've become inseparable. The times we've had fighting and arguing are by far the best times I ever had with you. Although I may deny this at times, you are one of the brightest people I'll ever know. I also love the way that you and I had a passion for Art and the creating. Remember how we would come up with stupid ideas together, talk about for like sometime and realize it was too stupid to ever come true. I can't give you any examples, because I can't remember any, all I can remember is that face you made when you realized how stupid those ideas were.

And don't forget those times we spent running around PJ and KL. Times where you'd be so reluctant to go out, and I had to literally beg you so you'd come out with me. I like getting lost with you, it's so funny. When you're so sure, and I'm so sure, in the end no one's sure. It's a pretty amazing feat that we ended up at Genna's in one piece the other night. There were so many more things we could've done with my car! I can't believe I'll never get that chance again.

Remember your last birthday? I do. I happened to search through my very small picture album and managed to find some pictures of you. (There are hardly pictures of ANYONE, mind you.)

Trying to make a lameass joke, as always.That's the face she gives when she thinks she's right, but somehow proven wrong.

Just to jog your memory, your friends decided to hold a surprise birthday party for you. I don't know if you knew about it, but isn't it nice to see so many people care for you?

Ohh ohh! Remember how I came up with the idea of tearing up the boxes as paper plates?!

I love it when you doubt my claims to fame, and agree with me just for the sake of agreeing with me. Especially when you feel aggitated and you get angry. I still remember the time you cried when nobody wanted to cooperate with you during the choral speaking thing. But you were great, you definately have some inbound leadership qualities.

Doesn't this just remind you of how horny you are sometimes? It's astounding that so much sexuality can be contained is such a small body.

I can imagine you blaming Li-Tjen already. But you've always been the horny core of our group. The way you indirectly imply things and they somehow turn sexual. I.e. "Wah, why your carrot so hard one?" I don't think you remember that, but you said it when I bought that white carrot and masturbation set for our dear Li-Tjen.

There you are again, wanting to take the picture, but never wanting to be in one.

You've taught me some things I may never learn outside of school. Some have given me perspectives no other human being can ever posses. The angle of which you look into our world is so entirely different, it defines your entire being. You are by far the weirdest girl I've known and ever will know. From the pirate island project to the class page, you have definately proved yourself to everyone.

I still remember the final thing you've done for me that made my heart melt. The way you dragged me out of the house to even though I realized I didn't really want to go out anymore. Went to pyramids while my parents were secretly planning a party for me. This may be cliche, but it's the sweetest thing anyone has done for me. You were even the one that planned the entire thing, that was the part that got me the most. Because you cared, so much.

I'll never forget this last feat you done for me.

It's sad, that I didn't get to see you one last time before I left Malaysia, but it was sweet of you to drop by my house and pass me a weird little present that's sitting in my cupboard right now. Regretfully, I've lost the card you gave me, but it's just something material.

The hamster you recieved from Wei Ken

Nat, I can't thank you enough, for these few years you've given me. I know I haven't exactly been the bestest friend that I can be. Nor have I given you very easy moments. I may never give you extravagant presents, nor make you the happiest person alive. But, I want you to know, deep down through the satire, the hate,


I love you.

And that's all there is to it.

The last present I gave you.

I wish you the best of luck in your future, be it with or without me. I'll be there for you, even in the worse of times, even in the best of times, even if you're far away, or even if you're right next to me. because that's what friends do.

So long old friend,
It has been fun
But my work here is done.
To watch you grow
And get to know
The woman you have become.

Goodluck, oh and remember - Peanut.

Ian, Loving you since 2003


Natalee Tan said...

hahahahha yes la yes la. all hail me. =D very lovely post.thank you

i think i'll start blogging in blogpost nowadays cause the school blocks xanga.

hahah my word verification code is " lation" reminds me of lotion.

anyway i'll remember- butter

Ian said...

? lation? O__O like wtf? lol. How can they block xanga but not blogspot. O_O so daft.